Management & Implementation of Development Projects
Head of Caritas Czech Republic Mission in Georgia
On 04.4 Late Night Diplomacy had the fourth session of the project with Mr. Jan Blinka, head of Caritas Czech Republic Mission in Georgia. The session aimed to show the way how humanitarian organizations operate and present how humanitarian projects are designed, developed, and implemented in the countries where Caritas and the Czech Development Agency operate. Mr. Blinka stressed the importance of such projects for the target groups in underdeveloped communities, described the project's workflow and lifecycle, as well as showcased examples of good practice from his professional experience in the field. The session was conducted in a hybrid format, as Mr. Blinka connected to join the session in Prague from Caritas Georgia HQ in Tbilisi.

The followed-up simulation had a practical manner and was aimed at the project design. Our participants had a chance to work with official documents and forms and had to design a project in one of the regions in Georgia. 3 groups overtime had managed to develop three unique initiatives in the area of healthcare, infrastructure, and development of local SMEs, which would allow them to place their know-how and products on the local and global markets. Our participants have learned, that it is extremely critical and difficult to come up with a truly valuable initiative that serves the good of people and causes a positive change over time, rather than a single-use project, which is implemented by various other actors. This knowledge and experience in project management will benefit our participants in their future career paths.